Maps & Courses

Mapping Notes

Day 1 & Day 2 Course Details

Falling Tree Hazards:

Attention! Please use caution when visiting National Forest System lands impacted by the mountain pine beetle infestation. Dead trees can and do fall without warning and with little or no help from the wind. Everyone who visits the national forest needs to be very aware of their surroundings. More and more trees are expected to fall over the next several years. Trees typically begin falling within 3-5 years of beetle kill and continue to fall for the next 10-15 years. Some trees have been dead for as many as 10 years. [More Details at USFS Website]

Driving Directions:

Please refer to the Travel & Lodging page.

Embargoed Areas:

  • Plains of Despair, Forrest Meadows, Crow Marsh, Idonwannabe, and Pelican Bay.

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This Page Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 13:54